The rise of the machines (m embedded)

The fall in the price of the computers or PC is actually the rise of the machines, mostly the embedded group. Such news is now often heard from few corners and one from wall street got to my attention.

GigaOm, my favorite news feeder for last 6-7 years got me right to say that people are going back to their garages.

What happens when computers are cheaper than LEGO blocks?

The Pi Raspberry is a credit card size single-board compuer developed with the intention of teaching the basics of computer science in schools in UK. It has an ARM 700 MHz processor, 256 MB RAM,slot for SD card, GPU etch which is enough to make learning crazy. The good news is that the price is going down and is now available in $25.

The Pi Raspberry project is a great place to look at the fun going on.


While I am doing my embedded systems course, it would be fun to really get the feel of these processors (8051, ARM, ATOM). Really interested to do some fun coding there, hope I will be able to manage my time well.

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